Update June 15, 2024

Up and running with Hugo. it’s a little less streamlined than I expected, but it makes enough sense to get me up and running. Did a little test with 11ty as well, but it just didn’t click with me as smoothly. Mostly because Hugo seems to make it relatively easy to install and change themes.

I also got an NGINX container somewhat up and running. It’s reverse proxying which is about all I want to do for the time being. For now I’m just going to copy the site manually to neocities until I get a proper workflow going some time in the next few weeks.

Also, I think RSS might be working? Consider it for testing purposes only until further notice.


  • Remove Categories and configure Tags
  • Figure out images
  • Configure site aesthetics
    • Default dark mode
    • Backgrounds
    • Header images
    • Colors overall
    • Remove the Table of Contents feature of anubis2 if able
  • Not site related, but disable Notepad++’s autocomplete. It’s cost me 100x more keystrokes than it’s saved me.

Another Update

I don’t think I’ll keep this theme. It’s a little too plain, a little too restrictive. I do like it though.